Vladimir Yu. Ageets Electronic Index of Works

Curriculam Vitae / List of Publications / Back

Personal information:
Family name Ageets
First name Vladimir
Patronymic Yulyanovich
Date of birth 15.04.1949
Nationality Republic of Belarus
Working place Republican Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Fisheries"
Position Director
Phone +375 17 3658341
Fax +375 17 3658260
E-mail belniirh@mail.ru

Scientific Degree and Titles:
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor
Honors and Awards:
Jubilee sign of the Standing Committee of the Union State "10 years since the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia", Breastplate named after V.M. Ignatovsky (2019), a memorial sign "In honor of the 90th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (2018), jubilee medal "100th Anniversary of the Border Guard Service of Belarus" (2018)
1974-1977 Post-graduate course of Belarusian Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry
1966-1971 Grodno State Institute of Agriculture
Professional Experience Record:
2012-till present Director, Republican Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Fisheries"
2011-2011 Acting Deputy Director General for Science and Innovations, Head of Potato Seed Production Department, Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato, Vegetable and Fruit Growing"
2008-2011 Deputy Director General for Science and Innovations, State Scietific Institution "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sviences of Belarus"
2006-2008 Deputy Director General for Science, Republican Scientific Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Plant Protection"
1997-2006 Director, Republican Research Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Radiology"
1977-1997 Junior research assistant, senior research assistant, leading research scientist, laboratory chief, Belarusian Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry
1972-1974 Chief agronomist, kolkhoz "Znamya Kommunizma", Novoselki village, Grodno district, Grodno region
1971-1971 Senior agronomist, poultry farm "Neman", Vasilevichi village, Grodno district, Grodno region
Key Qualifications:
Increasing the productivity and efficiency of fish industry of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of realization of research studies, scientific personnel training, and advanced training of fish industry specialists.
Language Skills:
English, Polish, Russian
List of Publications:
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