Personal Information:
Author profiles:
РИНЦ AuthorID: 255468
SCOPUS AuthorID: нет
WEB OF SCIENCE ResearcherID: AAP-4013-2021
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2122-3281
Scientific Degree and Titles:
Doctor of Engineering Science, Assistant professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Honors and Awards:
Breastplate named after V.M. Ignatovsky (2019), Breastplate "Big Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (2022), certificate of honor Council of Ministers (2022), Scientist of the Year (2023)
1980-1983 | Post-graduate course of Central Research Institute for Mechanization and Ecectrification of Agriculture |
1975-1980 | Belarus Academy of Agriculture |
Professional Experience Record:
2014 - till present | Academician-Secretary, Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
2009-2014 | Deputy Academician-Secretary, Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
2007-2009 | First Deputy Director of General Director, Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization" |
2006-2007 | Deputy Academician-Secretary, Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
1993-2006 | Laboratory Head, Institute for Mechanization of Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
1984-1993 | Junior Researcher, Scientific Researcher, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Central Research Institute for Mechanization and Ecectrification of Agriculture |
Key Qualifications:
Developments in the sphere of mechanization of soil cultivation, soil improvement and increasing of agricultural lands productivity.
Language Skills:
English, Russian, Belarusian
List of Publications: