Petr P. Kazakevich Electronic Index of Works

Curriculum Vitae / List of Publications / Back

Personal Information:
Surname Kazakevich Petr Kazakevich
First name Petr
Patronymic Petrovich
Date of birth 01.01.1955
Nationality Republic of Belarus
Working place The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Position The Vice Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Phone +375 17 284 25 58
Scientific Degree and Titles:

Doctor of Engineering Science, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Honors and Awards:
Certificate of Honor of the BRFFR (2023), Badge "Grand Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (2025)
Key Qualifications:

Scientific research in the field of mechanization of agro-ecological improvement of shallow peatlands and soil contaminated with radioactive substances, mechanical tillage of soil, sowing of crops, cultivation, harvesting and primary processing of flax

1991-1994Doctorate Department of the Belorussian Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture
1978-1981Post-graduate course of the Central Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture
1972-1977Belarus Academy of Agriculture
Professional Experience Record:
2014 - till presentThe Vice Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
2003 - 2014Principal Counsellor, Head of the Sud-department for Development of Agriculture, Vice director of the Chief Economic Administration, Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus
1981 - 2003Associate Researcher, Senior Researcher, Head of a Laboratory, Deputy Director for Science, the Central Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, the Belorussian Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Institute for Agriculture Mechanization of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Language Skills:
Russian, Belarusian, English
List of Publications:

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